4 Common Beginner Pour Over Mistakes and How to Fix Them


Pour over style coffee shouldn’t be hard, but it is really easy to screw up!

Follow along for these 4 common pour over mistakes to identify where you are going wrong. I also provide solutions to these common issues.

Just remember to be prepared and to be patient!

Ill keep this short and right to the point 👌



  • Brewing for too long can result in over extraction. Over extraction tends to taste watery and/or sour.

  • If you are brewing for a single cup, (usually 20-23g coffee-300-340g water), don’t go passed 3 minutes

  • Once you hit 3 minutes, remove the pour over mechanism even if there is still water

  • Many times the solution to this is grind size. Make your grind size more coarse until you hit the sweet spot



  •  The bloom is the initial degassing of CO2 trapped in your freshly roasted coffee. If you don’t bloom correctly, the hot water won’t extract the necessary components from the coffee beans evenly. This will result in a lackluster, flat cup of coffee.

  • To bloom, simply start your pour with just a little water. 40-50g is plenty. Don’t worry about stirring, just pour evenly. Wait 30 seconds and then resume.

  • If you want exact measurements, here is the math I like.

  • 20g coffee - 300g water - 40g water bloom - split the rest into three water pours



  • Pour in slow, circular motions. The circles can start from the inside, make their way to the outside, and back to the inside. Thats the simple motion. Use a gooseneck kettle and you will never have a problem.

  • The uneven results in uneven extraction which can affect 1)brew time 2)final flavor



  • Follow these two rules and you will ensure its not the coffee that’s the problem 1)Don’t use coffee that was roasted a month ago 2)Don’t use coffee that was ground more than 20 minutes ago

  • side tip - wait at least 3 days after roast day for Wet Process coffee — at least a week after roast day for Naturals

Origami Pour-Over Dripper - Teal

Straight from Japan, the Origami brand dripper is a great accessory to your pour over collection. Make a delicious cup of single origin coffee with this beautiful piece. Don't forget to purchase a wooden cup holder. We have it in White, Teal, or Ube Purple.